Be true to YourSelf!

Essential to all having to do with improving a situation or a relation or what´s so ever is the possibility to face the present.
Value, how much time do you spend on different areas in your life, how much do you recieve today and where are your fears?
It´s bad to normalize a bad condition when it takes the same effort to do something about the matter. So why is it that so few talk about this situation. It´s impossible to improve if you don´t know from what point you have to improve from. This is always our first starting point for people wanting to achieve more in life. This is a good moment to have others to help you.
University of Joy is having three different coarses in mind;
Mastermind coarses, online or in a given area or in a boarding house for ten days.
This step is crushial and not possible to neglect as all else is coming from this starting point.
We can symbolize this phase as the seed that has to die before it´s going to ripe.
Weekend coarses where you face your deepest fears and empty your mind once for all to let the light in. These are supernatural meetings with your higher self and is in collaborations with specialized people.
We have softer coarses in Holistic wHealth organized by founder Dr Jorge Garcia Santos and his trained coaches. This is a lighter coarse for people in business who for some reasons got stuck and cant achieve the possitive goals they so much requires. It is also a coarse for all people in the Holistic branshes searching for the Blossom and period for Blooming.
University of Joy is due to start autum 2017 in a collaboration with Bbeabridge and Club Vida Sana.